Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Thought for the day...

A quote from Poliitcs and Vision by Sheldon S. Wolin during a discussion of Nietzsche, culture, and politics:

"The politics of the anti-system is best represented by a famous passage from The Gay Science. There NIetzsche welcomes 'all signs that a more virile. warlike age is to begin.' That 'higher' age will 'carry heroism into the search for knowledge and... will wage wars for the sake of ideas and their consequences.'"

The passage continues: "The true heroes wil be those who 'live dangerously.' Then: 'At last the search for knowledge will reach out for its due; it will want to rule and possess, and you with it.'"

The stress of this passage resides at the end: "it will want to rule and possess, and you with it."

I am still not sure as to what to make of this quote and the present age. Fitting, maybe. It reads like an editorial from The Weekly Standard.

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